my friend safari is fire type
Age 31
Joined on 4/6/13
my friend safari is fire type
my friend code is 0001-3488-8624
Hey man, love your work. If you're still looking for codes mine's: 0533-5786-3118. Name's Brandon.
sweetness, thanks!
sup purple prawn
My code is: 0533-6012-1234. It would be nice to battle some time.
Hey i have heart gold and black and white if you have any games that are good with those hit me up and we can have a battle (preferbly heartgold since i just restarted my game in black and white)
hey man just wanted to say love your work and would be glad to play pokemon with you. friend code's 2036-8453-4151, and the name's justin
Hey man where have you been? I really was looking forward to that Flame Princess thing you were going to do 3 years ago. I'm still hoping it happens!
To be honest I've kind of been on a hiatus. I've always been a gigging musician, and my band has been really active. I've also been working on starting a youtube channel for music, so with that and work I haven't had much motivation to animate. What's cool though is I just got a space fixed up in my house to use as a studio, so I'm coming back soon.
Sweet! Looking forward to the come back man
send nudes
or links to what you've been up to
heres my friend code 5241-2024-0479 my names joe. your art is awesome, keep up the great work.
Thanks Joe!