Your not Jazza can't you like lower the prices slightly
Age 31
Joined on 4/6/13
Your not Jazza can't you like lower the prices slightly
I also don't tween anything, it's pure frame by frame animation. But are those prices better? what I had before were more like max prices that wouldn't go over, but I guess this makes a little more sense. Also, Jazza wants $700 for a minute of simple animation with 2 characters, and he would most likely tween a lot of it. I would do multiple minutes of frame by frame for like 150, so I don't think that's asking too much. And flash loops come with sound and a cum button, and that stuff takes a lot of time.
That's quite a high price you're asking for but, i guess if i could i would maybe ask for a gif. just maybe.
Also like Youtube guy in the comment he got a point.
Is that better? We can always discuss things and I will strike deals with people.
I don't get it, people have been asking me about commissions and I've been saying prices like these, and they always say how cheap it is, but now I post it and everyone says it's too expensive? I don't know what the fuck to do, just ignore those prices, they're fucking irrelevant. If you want something, we'll make a deal.
I just seen your answer to Youtube guy and yeah i do think it is better this way and deals are always the best.
Also i never knew Jazza was asking for that much.
Thank you, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Did you want something?
I feel like i may have wasted your time, i really have no money what so ever until i get a job which might won't even happen.
But if i did had some money i think a short gif. with something like a Fallout kind of thing, such as Amata getting banged by her best friend or something but, like i said that'd be if i had money and again i'm sorry to have wasted your time.
Lol it's ok
your stuff is awesome! keep up the good work
Thanks man I will!
Well you'll make allot of money off this adventure time animations and others allot of people would want see many different things
Man, I hope so haha.
How much have you made so far?
More than I expected
You are my hero. :)
The flash movie is an alright price because it does take a long ass time making one. Maybe the gif is a little much and the thing a the start still is in for the loop cause' that'd take a long time too... other then that I'd pay more because of how good you are! But I don't have any money at all... Like 0$... I might have at least 1$... Would that get me anything?
I don't have a request or anything, but I think this is my favorite of the pictures of yours that I have seen. Her breasts look great and Finns even working the clit which is a nice erotic touch. I'd have finn necking her too or kissing her real passionate, but that's just me being picky. Overall, awesome picture!
Good luck man! I know you got the skills to make someone's dream come true!